Welcome to xoBellaVistaFanartox!

Heyy Everybody!
This is Lola and Ally from xoBellaVistaLayoutsox!
We opened this account so we could have a new way of making fanart for witty users!

There are two ways you can get fanart:
1. If you request a layout on xoBellaVistaLayoutsox
    When requesting a layout, there is usally a specific picutre involved in that layout. We will use that picture to make a personalized piece of fanart that matches your layout. We will not be offended if you do not use this fanart, but we wanted a way to say thank you for requesting a layout (:
2. By requesting it on this site or on our witty account, xoBellaVistaFanartox.
    We have request forms that you need to fill out if you would like fanart. We usually have fanart done a day after requesting because it is quite easy to make. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask (:
(PLEASE NOTE: we have closed requests for layouts on our layout account. but we are still taking requests for fanart! if you would like fanart to match a premade layout, just ask)

-Lola and Ally <33